Wednesday, February 4, 2009

13 Confessions of a 13 Year Old Boy

Hello, I'm Tim, the youngest son of the legendary Combes family. Unless you know me, you're a member of my family or both; the only thing you know about me is my tiny bio on the side of the blog or one of my quotes that my dad twists around and posts. I decided now that I have entered the teen years this would be the prime time to give the world what it wants: Tim by the gallon (much cheaper than gasoline by the gallon). So, with the new movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" coming out next week, I was wondering what sort of things I would confess about. Now, it's time for what we've all been waiting for: 13 CONFESSIONS OF A 13 YEAR OLD BOY

13. I'm reading "The Da Vinci Code" (Heathen!)
12. My father leaves the door open when he pees, what hope do I have?
11. I don't mind chick flicks
10. I binge on pretzels and chocolate milk, I must be Micheal Moore's twin
9. My favorite singer is Stephen Lynch
8. I once was dared to ask out a guy and he said yes
7. I can easily solve a Rubik's cube but I can't figure out Monopoly Junior
6. I once sleepwalked into the shower
5. I'm not sure what the past tense for sleepwalk is
4. My favorite actor dropped 50 F-bombs on a videographer (and to think his name is Christian)
3. A hobo asked me for money and I ran away (It was my dad's money)
2. I only watch "24" so i can try to synchronize the clock on the show with my clock
1. I just posted on a blog