Wednesday, February 4, 2009

13 Confessions of a 13 Year Old Boy

Hello, I'm Tim, the youngest son of the legendary Combes family. Unless you know me, you're a member of my family or both; the only thing you know about me is my tiny bio on the side of the blog or one of my quotes that my dad twists around and posts. I decided now that I have entered the teen years this would be the prime time to give the world what it wants: Tim by the gallon (much cheaper than gasoline by the gallon). So, with the new movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" coming out next week, I was wondering what sort of things I would confess about. Now, it's time for what we've all been waiting for: 13 CONFESSIONS OF A 13 YEAR OLD BOY

13. I'm reading "The Da Vinci Code" (Heathen!)
12. My father leaves the door open when he pees, what hope do I have?
11. I don't mind chick flicks
10. I binge on pretzels and chocolate milk, I must be Micheal Moore's twin
9. My favorite singer is Stephen Lynch
8. I once was dared to ask out a guy and he said yes
7. I can easily solve a Rubik's cube but I can't figure out Monopoly Junior
6. I once sleepwalked into the shower
5. I'm not sure what the past tense for sleepwalk is
4. My favorite actor dropped 50 F-bombs on a videographer (and to think his name is Christian)
3. A hobo asked me for money and I ran away (It was my dad's money)
2. I only watch "24" so i can try to synchronize the clock on the show with my clock
1. I just posted on a blog


Anonymous said...

oh timmy. some of your confessions made me a little nervous..
im kinda nervous u asked out a boy..more nervous that he said yes... ahah well tim you sure can make me smile! this had me laughing out loud...good one! maybe i will do 13 confessions of a 13 year old girl..that is if i can find the time..
love you lots

Anonymous said...

You are my hero.

Anonymous said...

I needed a dose of Timmy right now!! Really, I did!! Thanks for the laugh!! You crack me up inside.

Love you

PLEASE find the time Haley!!!

kaitlyn said...

Tim, you are getting quite witty. I enjoy your humor. Are you really my same baby brother who loved Barney and said cute things like "t'mon, Abby, t'mon!"?

A few things...
*remember the DaVinci Code is fiction
*who is Stephen Lynch?!
*I'm not worried about you asking out a guy.. there is no doubt in my mind that you are straight.
*I remember when you used to sleepwalk downstairs when Nick and I would be up hanging out and you would be so confused and we would ask you questions and you'd say really funny things. good story.

That's all. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
Good job. You make me laugh. I loved reading your thirteen confessions. Keep on blogging. Miss you.
Love, Grandma

Karen Combes said...

Hi Tim:

Great job with your first blog post. I look forward to many more. I'm looking forward to our movie tomorrow night while Dad and Julia go to the Daddy/Daughter Dance.

Anonymous said...


No fair busting me on the bathroom thing. What can I say, I don't liked to be confined when nature calls. If God had intended us to pee in private, he would have placed a bathroom in the garden of eden.

Thanks for always insulting me and keeping me laughing.

Love you,


Anonymous said...


PLEASE blog again!!

Love you

Annie said...

You posted once! I hope you post again! Family secrets unveiled!

Mike - now I feel somewhat better when I remember that all of my boys felt the need to relieve themselves off at the side of the 80-90 turnpike. I say "Go way down in those trees." They thought I said "Go down in those weeds."

junglemama said...

What a neat guy!

BTW, Julia is making washclothes for $6. If you would like to buy some please email me and let me know how many and whether or not you would like synthetic or cotton.
