Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I can hardly believe there was a day when I didn't like camping. I have to admit, I'm still relatively "new" to this, but I thoroughly enjoy it! About 15 years ago, Mike and I started talking about how we would like to take the kids camping. We didn't have much extra money then, so for Mother's Day that year, I received a tent! It ended up being a GREAT gift for the first 10 years because Mike would take the kids camping and I would get a weekend home ALONE! The only problem was.....they made many memories without me and *I* didn't know what I was missing! Mike and I camping
The *tent* that Kaitlyn, Julia and I shared.
I discovered as long as I was on an air mattress and brought along my fan, I get great sleep. Oh yeah....I also discovered ear plugs to drown out the loud people next door! ha

Mike (and Michael) usually does most of the cooking.
Michael and Kaitlyn sittin' around the campfire eating a S'more.
The GREAT part about camping.
Roastin' the marshmallows!

Precious Julia eating her S'more. *Notice* her dad gave her DOUBLE chocolate.

Tim.... fresh from the shower!
Kaitlyn also took some cool photos from the waterfall we went to! It was so much fun!
Now, I can't wait to plan our next trip.


Anonymous said...

Karen, Karen, Karen....I can't belive you are a camper! What happened to my "let's stay home and shop while they camp" friend? LOL! Jim and Nathan just got home from the Grand Canyon today, and I actually said that I think I should go camping with the family. Jim laughed and said "no". Tell Mike that Jim did Angel's Landing. And Nathan has the pictures to prove it. Miss you guys!


Anonymous said...

Karen - great photos. I'm so glad you like camping now. We sure have made some great memories camping.

Renee - tell Jim I'm like Thomas in the bible. He wouldn't believe Jesus rose from the dead until he felt the nail scars in Jesus' hand. And I will not believe Jim did Angel's Landing until I see Nathan's pictures.


Salzwedel Family said...

I've never been much of a camper. Maybe I should give it another try!

Annie said...

When I was little my dad took me camping...and later me and my brother. Actually, I'm glad my mom didn't go because that was such a special dad and daughter time. But - when it came right down to it, I eventually realized that being outside cold, and uncomfortable, eating pemmican and jerky, and foods from not-quite-clean tin was not entirely up my alley. Mind you, "camping" did not involve a campground, or even a tent, certainly not s'mores (I had my first one about three years ago)....and it nearly always involved hikes uphill of several hours duration, often above timberline. I am SO glad I had these experiences, but was glad to leave my dad and brother to it. After that change, my mom and I stayed home alone....and enjoyed TV dinners (I considered them a treat, believe it or not).

It was fun for me that you prompted those memories!