Friday, July 11, 2008

two years ago

Two years ago today I heard the words "there is some cancerous tissue." WHAT? Cancerous tissue? What does that mean? I always thought that when there was a diagnosis of cancer, they would just tell you "you have cancer." The words "cancerous tissue" seemed to minimize the seriousness of it. Maybe in some way they were trying to protect me. I know that I'm a person who deals with reality. I really don't like things sugar coated. I like to know the facts. I guess no matter what they told me that day, the bottom line was... I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After watching my sister go through chemo, I knew what would be coming next. But her strength helped prepare me emotionally. I knew it would be difficult, but I wanted to take one day at a time. 7-11-06 is a day that I will never forget.

Today I am rejoicing that it is two years later. Today I'm feeling strong. Today I'm down 30+ pounds from that day. Today I thank God that I was able to have breast reconstruction surgery. Today I celebrate! Today I have a hope and future. Thank you, Jesus!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13


Anonymous said...


We all celebrate with you too Karen.

Thank you God that it has been 2 years and that Karen is doing so well. Please continue to protect her.

I love you Karen and I am so happy that you are doing well. I am thankful every day, that you and Kelly are doing well.

kaitlyn said...

Mom, I am rejoicing with you today!

This morning I wrote the date in my Bible and realized that this was the day we found out 2 years ago. I know because I was doing a car wash in VA beach and it was 7-11, free slurpie day:) The day didn't turn out quite as good as it should have.

I rejoice in how far you have come, how far we have come as a family in those 2 years. It is undeniable that the six of us have drawn closer and grown stronger through the experience of your sickness. I will always remember the joy and goodness we all experienced last summer after it was all over and we were all together in Cincinnati.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this day! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I had forgotten it was July 11, 2006 but now I remember being in Kaylee's hospital room at Mayo with Karla and Haley and taking your cell phone call that the tests came back positive. All I could do was put it in God's hands. You have sailed through it all in such a positive way. How would we ever get through these things without God in our lives.
Love, Mom

msufan56 said...


Thanks for this very powerful blog. I feel like we have been "carried by God" these past two years. Kaitlyn is so right that it is "undeniable" that we have grown so much closer as a family.

I love you and thank God for how far you have come since 7/11/06.



Karen Combes said...

Thanks for all the positive and encouraging comments! I love you all!

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! You have worked through this trial with God. Tom and I have seen much grace in you and how you have handled this challenge, how you have endured, survived, and flourished. We celebrate today with you. Enjoy your camping trip with family. Enjoy summer. Bless you!


Linda and Tom

junglemama said...

Thanks for sharing your amazing story!

Annie said...

I will never forget when you told me....we were out at the Russian School garden. It just killed me. Somehow I felt like I was more scared and miserable than you were! But you were always from that day on the most courageous person. Such an example. In fact - to tell you the truth, I was just driving around today thinking about what a wonderful example you are - you and your family - to everyone who knows you. I am SO grateful that God let our paths cross...even if it wasn't for long enough (in my humble opinion)!

Karen Combes said...

Linda and Annie:

Thanks for the nice comments! You have made my day!


Thanks for checking in! Congrats on Dennis' adoption!