Tuesday, April 15, 2008

when you make a mistake

Have you ever had a decision to make and you didn't know what to do? Have you ever prayed and really thought that God gave you "the" answer, but it wasn't the answer you wanted, and you did the opposite thing? Have you ever let your kiddos down? Have you ever just wanted to have your way?

Well, I did all that within the last week.

Why did I think I wanted a dog?

About 10 days ago, I really started thinking about a dog. We had a dog, Max, for about 8 years. Max wasn't the ideal dog. Max had a barking and marking problem, as well as a biting problem. He was a Chihuahua. In November, we made the decision to surrender Max to the Humane Society. It was a hard decision, but I had so much peace immediately. I was free in my home again. I didn't have to shut the bedroom doors to keep Max from marking everywhere. No more worries about what the neighbors are thinking when Max barks in the backyard. There was freedom. No more paying for boarding Max when we travelled. Mike and I really thought we would never have a pet dog again. Our lives are too busy to give a dog the attention and care it deserves.

That is when I started going online and looking a dogs to adopt. I "reasoned" that IF we adopted a dog, it would be okay and we would be giving a dog a good home. I did research...I prayed. I wanted a smaller dog. Tim wanted one that played fetch. Julia wanted a dog to love.

Mike was still adamant that we did not NEED a dog. He brought up all the cons to having a dog again. He was honest in saying that he didn't want to be the one taking care of a dog in the morning before work. I appreciated and understood everything he was saying. BUT, I still was stubborn and thought a dog made sense for our family. Even in my prayers, I was sensing NOT to proceed. I did anyway.

I found Yurek online at a local shelter. He was one year old. He played fetch, was housebroken and crate trained. He knew basic obedience. He was low shedding. He was 15 lbs. He sounded perfect.

We picked him up on Saturday afternoon. He really was the "perfect" dog, if there ever was one. He knew some cute tricks like "sit pretty" and "dance." He loved playing fetch with Tim in the backyard. He followed me in the house everywhere. He wanted to please.

BUT, by Sunday, I knew I had made a terrible mistake! I didn't like the pitter patter of claws on the wood floor. I didn't like the barking at 6am 'cause he wanted outside. Mainly, I was wrong. It was too much for me and I forgot how much work it was to give a dog the home it deserves. And now, I have to face Tim and Julia.

Tim came to me Sunday night. He was feeling like I was feeling. He thought we should return Yurek to the shelter. He was so mature about this whole thing. Last night Mike and I talked. I told him that I decided to return Yurek. Mike was overjoyed. I told Julia before school today. She cried.

I feel so sad for her. She is truly a "dog" person. She loves all animals. She has such a tender heart.

We took Yurek back this afternoon. Julia is doing fine.


junglemama said...

Bless your heart. {{hugs}}

Anonymous said...

I admire your honesty and ability to say that you made a mistake.

Glad to hear Julia is doing fine!!

Love you all

kaitlyn said...

Thanks for being willing to share about this on here. It takes humility to admit when you've made a mistake. Your openness lets us all learn from it.

msufan56 said...


This picture looks so cute that I almost wish we had kept Yurich - not really.

Thanks for being so open and for admitting a mistake. Thanks for this heartfelt post. Yurich deserves owners that can spend plenty of time with him. He is a great dog - just not great for us. We are a cat family.

I love you.


Annie said...

Oh, Karen - I know your soft heart. You must feel terrible. Does it make you feel worse if I tell you that one of my first memories is of a dog my parents got and returned. I must have been only 4 but I remember sitting on the pile of laundry in the laundry room while my mom told me that the dog would have to go. I didn't understand then what she was saying, but now I know that my mom is a crack dog-trainer, and this must have been one stupid dog. She would NOT be trained. I am not sure why I remember this so vividly. There are slides of me playing with this dog, but I don't recall LOVING the dog. But I do remember the parting with the dog. That must have hurt my parents a lot. (Particulary when I sobbed and begged for a pet for YEARS AND YEARS after that). I finally manipulated them into a cat when I was twelve. I have the feeling that I remember this early episode only because of my mom's misery.... not because I was really that upset myself. Doesn't Julia have her kitty still?

Karen Combes said...

Hi Annie:

Yes, Julia has her beloved Muska. We would never part with the cats. I think we are more of a "cat" family. Honestly, it seems as if she has totally moved on from this. Maybe it's because she has a birthday coming and she is very excited. Yurek was in our home for just a few days. Once I knew I made a mistake, I didn't want her to bond with him any more. When she was so upset, I just hugged her and told her I understood and it wasn't her fault. It was all me.

Annie said...

Karen, you are SUCH a good mother and a sweet spirit.

We're cat people, too. I also made a mistake with Rosie. We finally are without any cats, which is a relief in a way - as we don't have to worry about Rosie eating any of them. Rosie is a dear, loving dog, but dogs just are more work. What can I say? You understand!