Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Does 25 Years Look Like?

1983: Get married to my best friend. Take a honeymoon to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Begin our life together living in Normal, Illinois.

1984: Move to Cincinnati, Ohio (for the first time). Find out that we are pregnant, but miscarry our first child.

1985: Find out we are expecting again. Move to Evanston, Illinois.

1986: Kaitlyn is born. Our life was enriched.

1988: Nicholas is born. We are busy.

1989: Move to Lake Villa, Illinois. We bought our first house.

1991: Sold our house and moved to East Lansing, Michigan. We rented two townhouses.

1995: Bought our first house in East Lansing. Tim is born five weeks early. Life is full!

1999: Decided to move to Louisville, Kentucky. Mike is transferred. Our life is blessed during this time as we grew closer as a family. Kaitlyn and Nick were challenged to meet new friends and start in a new school.

2001: Back to East Lansing again. We are all pretty happy about this move back "home."

2002: Adoption is first on our hearts when I traveled to Haiti with my sister.

2004: Kaitlyn graduates from high school and begins college at Univ. of Michigan.

2005: Decide to pursue adopting Julia who lives in Russia. We find out about her heart condition and Karen and Nick traveled to Russia to meet her.

2006: Mike and Karen travel to Russia to adopt their precious daughter, Julia. Karen is diagnosed with breast cancer. Julia has open heart surgery to repair her VSD that wasn't repaired at birth. We are thankful for our health.

2006: Nick graduates from high school and begins college at Michigan State University. Mike is pretty excited to have a Spartan in the house.

2006: (more) Decide to move to Cincinnati, Ohio. (2006 was a BIG year)

2007: Mike begins his new job in Cinci and Karen and kids stay back in EL to sell the house. We were blessed with God's perfect timing on that. We spent our first summer in Cincinnati as a complete family.

2008: We are blessed by the announcement of our daughter, Kaitlyn, getting married.

I love you so much, Mike! You are my best friend and I cherish our life together. Here's to 25 more years of marriage!


Anonymous said...

Dear Karen and Mike,
Congratulations on your 25th. What a "ride" you've had. You should be so proud of the wonderful family you have raised. I remember that day so vividly. Can't believe it was 25 years ago. I pray that you have many more years together.

Anonymous said...

Mike and Karen:

I remember your wedding day like it was last weekend and now, Kait is going to get married!! Remember what a great day that was!!

We love you guys and pray for 25+ more years!!

Karla and family

Anonymous said...

Mike & Karen,

Happy Anniversary! Congrat's on 25 years. That is awesome! I love the picture! What great memories that brings back!

Have a great anniversary! Love ya both!

msufan56 said...


Thanks for the wonderful post. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the timeline of our marriage. Wow - you sure can never accuse me of boring you (lol).

I love you more and more each day. It's been an awesome 25 years. I love the way we still laugh together more than ever. You are my wife, my bride and my best friend.

I love you.


Annie said...

Congratulations. You are both very blessed.

kaitlyn said...

I like the timeline! It's cool to see you reflect on the past 25 years. I love you both!