Thursday, May 15, 2008

off to germany

Today begins a time in our family when our two oldest kids are out of the country. Nick is on his way to Frankfurt, Germany. Well, actually right now he is in Detroit waiting to board his flight. He leaves around 5:30pm. He will be spending the next 6.5 weeks studying abroad...well, he does get college credit, but not sure how much "studying" he will be doing. He loves Germany... or as he calls it "Deutschland." He purchased an Euro-rail pass and plans on visiting as many countries as possible on weekends. Nick, I will miss you but am so excited for your opportunity.

Next Tuesday, Kaitlyn leaves for Port Au Prince, Haiti. She will be spending the next three months at Angel House there and helping with the 40+ kids. She is so excited about this opportunity and can hardly wait to begin interacting with the children and nannies. She has been busy studying her Creole, the language spoken there. It is an amazing opportunity for her and a great way for her to apply her college degree in developmental psychology. I plan to visit her in August. Right now she is off to Ann Arbor to visit Michael and her college roommates.

Tim and Julia are winding down their school year. Can't believe it's almost come to an end. Mike and I are doing great. We are looking forward to a quiet weekend.

Late Edit: Nick called about 40 minutes ago. He is having a good time. The family is very nice that he is staying with. He didn't sleep on the flight and hasn't slept since he left home. He will sleep good tonight. He sounded great. I miss him very much


junglemama said...

Wow! That is amazing. Karen, can you share how your daughter got involved with the Angel House Orphanage?

msufan56 said...

I'm so proud of Nick and Kaitlyn. Even though I will miss them dearly while they are gone, I thank God they have this wonderful opportunity to "see the world".

Nick and Kaitlyn, you will be constantly in my prayers for God's protection, love, strength, guidance and direction.

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

Nick and Kait:

I am in awe of you two!!

I cannot wait to hear about both adventures, and thank God for blogs, we will hear about them as they happen!!

Love you both and will be praying.

Kait, we will talk before you leave!

Anonymous said...

Karen and Mike:

I am so glad that you heard from you know how many times I have checked this to see if Nick had posted!!

You have awesome kids and I cannot wait to hear more from Germany and then Haiti too!!

Love you guys!

Karen Combes said...

Hi Karla!
It sounds like Nick has had a busy day. He said he had a beer for dinner. ha! He is legal to drink over there. He is quite a young man and I/we are very proud of him.

Annie said...

What a tremendous opportunity for both of them! And enriching for those at home, too!

Karen Combes said...

Annie: Yes, it is an awesome opportunity for them.

Christine: I will post about our love of Haiti soon. Thanks for your interest! ;-)