Friday, January 9, 2009

have I done better...I think not!

Part of my frustration of not posting much lately is that I like to post with photos and I'm having trouble *finding* what I've loaded in my computer. Here is a bullet post of some things that have been going on:

*We spent a week in Rochelle, Illinois with family. We had such a good time with everyone. Tim and Julia have such a good time with their cousins and it's just craziness!

*We took the Metra into Chicago one day. My Uncle was passing through and we rode in to see him then decided to spend the day! Julia had never been in Chicago and she loved it. We ate lunch at Ed Debevic's. If you've ever eaten there, you know how much fun it can be. Our waitress, Baby Cakes, was a riot and did her best to insult all of us. She was a lot of fun! Chicago still had a *free* trolley service and we rode it to Navy Pier. It was just a lot of fun!!

*My niece, Emma, came back to Cincinnati with us. She is a freshman in college and her college will be closing at the end of the year. She is considering a move to Cincinnati to live with us and attend a nursing school here. (no pressure, Emma) but we would LOVE to have you!

*Nick is home until Sunday. We have a great time with him here FOUR weeks and I will be very sad when he leaves. He is fun to have around and has been a big help to me/us.

*Tim auditioned for a movie but we haven't heard about any call-back. The cool thing about this is that it is being filmed in Ann Arbor, where Kaitlyn and Michael live.

*Julia has two basketball games left. She's had such a great time. AND, we've enjoyed watching her play. She always has a smile on her face.....with whatever she is doing!

*When is Gov. Blogo going to resign? What a joke he's making of the state I love!

*I think I like being a mother-in-law. I certainly like my son-in-law!

*My dad's wife, Connie, is still in pain....but now it's coupled with the fact that her mother died unexpectedly. Connie's dad died just this past August and to lose both parents so close together is very hard. Connie, we love you and you and your family are in our prayers.

*Nick is making a video to audition for Survivor. Wouldn't that just be so cool if he was chosen? Maybe the college loans could be paid off????? (OK, I'm dreaming)

*I love the church we attend! I'm growing and learning so much and feel it is such a blessing. It is authentic! No hiding behind fancy church words that people toss around to make themselves look more religious!

*I love my sisters...... all three ;-)



Anonymous said...

I'm honored. I love my sister, too.


Anonymous said...

Loved this post.......and I LOVE my sistes too. We are blessed to be sisters and friends....I have the best!!

Anonymous said...

I guess Linda and I are the only readers!!! ha

Karen Combes said...

I know....that is what it seems like. Thank God for you two!!!

Annie said...

What a nice post - even without photos!