Saturday, August 30, 2008

I lost sleep

I woke up this morning and knew I wanted to blog about this topic. I know I am opening myself up to criticism, but I wanted to know if anyone else is feeling this way or set me straight if I need to re-think this thing.

Why is John McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin?

John McCain is old and does Sarah have the experience to lead our country? I hate to say this, but it's a very real possibility. I just don't think she does.

But aside from that, something else is really bothering me. This is what I lost sleep over. Since most of you know, I lean more to the conservative side. I watched Sarah's family on stage yesterday at the announcement. I can't get two images out of my head. The baby with downs syndrome being held by his oldest sister and the young 7 year old who wanted to be by her Mommy's side every step of the way. It's the 7 year old that I lost sleep over. This campaign is hard on even the toughest families. Being governor of Alaska and Vice President are very different roles. OK, I will just say it.... shouldn't Sarah's first responsibility be to mother her young children? Piper, the 7 year old, wanted to be with her Mommy. Trip, her four month old special needs son will need her to be available to him. I really liked Sarah. She seems like a very nice woman. She is about my age. I admire her accomplishments in her life. But being VP or even President will make her first priority our country, not her family.

As a conservative, I just feel like John McCain made the wrong choice for his VP.

Now, I don't know who to vote for.


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking the same thing Karen. She is so young and has pretty young kids who still need her.

Have fun in Ann Arbor and Happy Birthday to Linda!

Annie said...

I think my pastor made the wrong choice for DRE all those years ago, too....but you do what you have to do sometimes.

She is probably going to have a lot more help and less anxiety about her children than most office workers.

Just had to play devil's advocate....speaking from the bitterness of having to work for all these years, and not quite knowing if it was God's will or not.

Will she work as hard as the first lady? I wonder.

Have to say, until he chose her, I had never imagined that I was that tired of and irritated with all those middle aged white men (ME?!!) I've gotten to the place I really don't trust them. (ME?!!) Or, maybe it is that I don't trust anyone who would spend a life in politics. She's been doing other things, so maybe she's OK.... And, I think it is basic intelligence and integrity that counts. No President can know all the things he has to know about every country, situation and issue. He/she would have to rely on expert advisors, no matter what.

Annie said...

And when it comes right down to it. I like Obama, but the Life issue does matter.

Karen Combes said...

I just read your comment! I know, I've reconsidered this issue. I've come to like Sarah. Still not 100% convinced and am looking forward to the interview with Charlie Gibson tonight. Should be good.