Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Phoenix, here we come!

Mike and Tim are on their way to Phoenix tomorrow. Tim is participating in an event called The (TAY). Tim has been interested in acting and this event brings in agents, managers and talent scouts from across the country. It will be interesting to see IF this goes anywhere...at the least, it will be a great experience for Tim.

Good luck, Tim! I'll be praying foryou. "Break a leg" as they say.


Anonymous said...


Good luck but most of all have fun!!! You are so darn cute!!

We love you!!

kaitlyn said...

Thanks for posting those pictures, mom! They are really cute. He looks so old!

Keep us updated on how things are going with them.

msufan56 said...

Things are going well here in Phoenix. Tim has his first audition coming up at 3pm (pdst). He is reading a commercial. He seems to be more excited than nervous which is cool.

I'll keep you posted.


Karen Combes said...

Tim just called and he feels really good about the audition. We won't know if he got any call backs until Saturday, but the most important thing is that Tim is having fun. Tonight he has a run way show! ha! He said he's going to "ham it up." Go Tim!

Annie said...

How cool! There is a little girl from Zhenya's orphanage in Ivanovo, who was "discovered" at this event. She is modeling now, and got a big scholarship. Good luck Tim!