Wednesday, November 28, 2007

beach time

We had three great beach days. Kaitlyn and Nick got to go to the beach, but it was very chilly on that day and I forgot the camera. Above is the shark that Mike, Grandma Mary and Julia made. Julia used some broken shells for teeth. It was very cute because it was a "nice shark."


Anonymous said...

I wish we could of been there! Awesome Creature! Is it a whale?

Karen Combes said...

Nope! It's a shark! I wish you could have been there, too! I love you, Haley!
Aunt Karen

msufan56 said...


Great pictures honey. I cannot believe Haley disrespected our shark by asking if it's a whale. Being the great sculpters that we are, Julia, Gramma Mary and I are appalled. It's like questioning Picasso, Michaelangelo or Rembrant.

Mike - upset artist