Tuesday, November 20, 2007

happy 12th birthday TIM

Today is Tim's 12th birthday. We are celebrating it down here in Florida. The bad news is that Tim is not feeling well. He woke up with a fever of over 101. I doubt if he will be playing football tomorrow...hopefully feeling better by his first game, which could be Thursday. This is a poem that Mike wrote for Tim:

Ode To Tim
On your specia birthday, number twelve
Triumphant and great things, you will delve.
A handsome and smart boy you are
A young man developing, a true star.
We love you so very, very much
A loving, kind boy with a magic touch.
Funny, intelligent and kind, that is clear.
God's blessings to you for a GREAT year.
The weather has been so nice down here. We have been at the beach every day and loving it. Tim and Julia have been in the ocean and having a blast in the sand. Gramma Mary made the most delicious Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday!! Last night we ate Wild Rice and Turkey Soup that she made. Today we go to Daytona Beach to meet up with the other teams. Wednesday, Kait and Nick get into Orlando. Please say a prayer that Tim's fever goes away and he starts feeling better. He's in a cheerful mood because it's his birthday, but I feel so bad that he's sick.


Annie said...

Happy birthday from the Kitchings. I hope you feel well soon!

Anonymous said...


It was so good to talk to you today, even though you don't feel good. We pray that you will feel better by your game.

The Browns all love you and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are one of the funniest boys we know!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Tim,

Kaitlyn, Nick and I were having dinner talking about you. We planned to call you tonight and sing Happy Birthday to you with Tom, but it was too late. Hope your day was good despite being sick. Feel better soon. Your sister and brother will be with you shortly.

Love and Happy, Happy Birthday.


junglemama said...

That's great! Happy Birthday!