Thursday, December 13, 2007

one year ago

One year ago today was my last chemo treatment. I am so thankful that it's this year and not last. Last year we were trying to make decisions about Mike's job. I felt I was in a chemo fog and honestly could not make a clear decision. I relied on God for guidance, and the confidence of Mike, Kaitlyn, and Nick gave me assurance. They were so positive that Mike should take the job in Cincinnati. They all prayed about it and it was clear to them that this was the route to go. It was truly a time where I trusted God to speak to them and I watched as God guided them towards a move. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. My "own understanding" was screaming that we should NOT move. My "own understanding" was very angry at God that we would have to face this decision as I finished chemo and was ready to start six weeks of radiation. I DID NOT want to move. My "own understanding" said it just didn't make sense. My "own understanding" did not want to be so far away from Kait and Nick during the school year. My "own understanding" said how will we sell our house in this horrible housing market? I wanted control and control was taken away from me. Over the next couple months, God kept whispering in my ear "Trust me. Has not my timing always been perfect?"

When I reflect back on this past year, I am so glad that I trusted God. It wasn't easy. When I think how our house sold, it is truly a miracle. His timing was perfect. Tim and Julia were able to finish the school year in East Lansing! He provided health insurance for me through my job. He lead us to our house in Cinci and a wonderful neighborhood. Thank you Mike, Kait and Nick for your strength during those days when I was in a fog and listening to God for His leading us to Cincinnati.

Thank you, God, for leading us to Cincinnati. Thank you for sticking with me as I struggled to understand why we would have to move during my treatment. Thank you for blessing Mike with his job and for providing a supportive work environment for him. Thank you that Tim and Julia are so happy in their new school and are making friends. Thank you that Kait and Nick have adjusted to us being so far away from them. Thank you for leading us to Crossroads Church.



Michelle said...

Praise God for a fresh start! Praise God that you are well!
Praise God for a family of love, support and strength!
Praise God for a plan that is exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think!

Praise God!!

kaitlyn said...

Wow.. thank you for sharing that. You put it into words so well. It's really powerful to be able to look back at the very difficult year we had, and say confidently that God has been faithful to our family and come through for us. He brought us through a time when we had to walk by faith because we didn't understand why you were sick or why we had to move, and especially why it all happened at the same time. Through those hard things, though, God has grown our family closer together and closer to Him, and given us this experience of trusting him when we couldn't see, and His faithfulness has been displayed.
I am so thankful that our family is in a new season of joy and remembrance of what God has done.

msufan56 said...


Thanks for such a moving and inspirational post. Things have moved so quickly the past year, that I am guilty of not looking back and thanking God for seeing us through all of this. Thanks for making me realize how incredible God's hand was in all of this. It is amazing to think back to a year ago. You were so sick from the chemo and I was so unhappy in my job. I called the "headhunter" in November, thinking the process of looking for a new job would take a good six months at least. In our first discussion, he said he thought he had a perfect fit - Cincinnati. Two weeks later I had an interview. I remember feeling so guilty being flown to Cincinnati and everybody treating me so nicely - becuase there was no way I was going to take this job. Two weeks later, I had a second interview and God placed it on my heart that I needed to take this job. I'll never forget waking up in the middle of the night and jumping up and saying, "My Lord and My God" as God placed it deeply on my heart to take the job. I felt the peace of the Holy Spirit come over me about taking this job. It still didn't make sense. You were sick, the job paid less money and it really was a lateral move, not a step up. But then God moved again by having my boss leave his position one month into my new job allowing me to move up to the VP job. Wow - praise God. Even though my job is very busy and stressful at times - I truly love it. The people are so nice and the Christian culture is so invigorating to work in. Yesterday, there was a meeting for all the leadership in the entire system (about 400 people). The meeting opened with 30 minutes of bible verses and prayer. Then one of the marketing directors got up an sang that great song that starts, "Mary did you know.....". It was very uplifting. At the end of the day, we all sang "Joy to the World." I feel truly blessed to be in this great work environment. It is certainly not perfect. There are the same trials, tribulations and frustrations as any other job. But it's great to know that our mission is "to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Chris." It makes a big difference in how you percieve your job.

Sorry for the long winded response, but your e-mail really inspired me. I'm so thankful that you are feeling so good and that you are flourishing here in Cincinnati. I am so impressed the way you are continually reaching out to people - it is really cool to see.

Praise God for his guidance and direction. Praise God for you and praise God for our wonderful family and friends.



Annie said...

I'll always be so sorry you are not here, and Anastasia will never have another friend like Julia, but it seemed so much "meant to be" and you were brave enough to follow His plan.

I am always so inspired by you.

Anonymous said...

Now I am in tears.....we are so happy that you are all so happy. We are so thankful for Gods faithfulness, even when (especially when) we can't see.

We love you

Kersten3 said...

What an awesome post. Your family is so unbelievable! I thank God for you guys! You have to be among the most generous people that I know---you know what I mean! Thanks for all you do for me! I appreciate it so much! I am so looking forward to seeing you guys in 12 days! :-)

Oh--I, too am so glad it isn't one year ago or two years ago! Hard to believe we even went through all of that stuff, isn't it Karen?
Love ya,