Monday, December 24, 2007

remember me?

This is Kaitlyn.. remember me? Besides commenting on the rest of my family's posts, I've been silent on the blog for a few months. That's me, though, I guess - the quiet, calm one of the family. I think I'm like that with my friends at school, too. I like to sit back and take everything in, and I think deeply about a lot of things, too. I like to listen. I like to hear what's going on in other people's lives, and not just on the surface level, but what's going on underneath to make them feel or act the way they do. That's probably why I became a psychology major.. I like to understand how people think, and to try to understand the thoughts and motivations behind what goes on in my life and other people's lives. It's interesting.. there's usually always something deeper going on behind what happens on the surface. I don't really think I'm good at giving advice or fixing problems for myself or other people, but I like to listen and try to understand what's going on. Thinking like that probably seems weird to some people. I think my family sometimes wishes I would stop thinking about things so much, and I probably do over-analyze at times, but it's just the way my mind works. I don't do it to judge.. I do it to understand. I definitely know I cannot figure everything out - not even close. But still, many things that happen make a lot more sense when I look at what the below-the-surface reasons for them may have been.

I love God, a lot. I love that He continues to work in me to grow and challenge me and that He will never be through with me. I have seen and believe that He is good and loving. In Ann Arbor this school year, I have my own room, and it's been so good to have a place to myself where I can seek God. My room has been my sanctuary, my special place for connecting with the Lord.
Last year, when everything felt dark and confusing, I clung to the verse, "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" (Psalm 27:13-14). Over the past 6 months, I have felt that God has shown me His goodness in this life in so many ways. Recently, the most exciting news in my life is that I've started dating a really awesome man, Michael. He loves God and is a humble servant, and I feel very honored to date him! We're having a lot of fun together, and we're in the process of figuring what it looks like to put God at the center of our relationship - which is our biggest desire. I've waited and prayed for a relationship like this for a long time, and I am so thankful that God has brought him into my life.. more than I can put into words!

Haiti has been on my heart so strongly these past few months. I think about it all the time. I have a deep love and passion for the country and for the Haitian people. My visits to Haiti have changed me. I would really like to spend some time there after I graduate, and God is opening doors for that to happen so.. we'll see! It's very exciting.

Well, I was putting off posting because I hadn't written in so long and I didn't know where to start, but that's what I came up with:) So, basically - I'm quiet because I like to take things in and think, but if you want to get me talking, bring up life, God, Michael, or Haiti!



Anonymous said...

I will have you talking all week then!! Can't wait to hear all about those things.

You always have been the quieter one of the Combes family. (Except when we were at the mall when you were little and screamed because YOU didn't get to open the straw!! ha ha) I love that about you are one awesome girl and Michael is the blessed one!!

When Kylee saw the picture of you and Julia, she said to me, are they on their way....guess she thought it was a live picture!!

Love you so much and plan on talking my ear off!!!!

Karen Combes said...

Great post! Amen to everything you said! I can't wait to meet Michael next weekend. I can't wait to see how God will use you in Haiti. It's exciting to see the doors opening.

I love you and am so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Next weekend???!!!! I will be going to Cinci!!! ha

Gail said...

Kait, it is good to hear from you. I had such an awesome time sharing a room in Haiti with you and your mom.

You are always welcome to stay with us when we are in Haiti!! We should be there by mid-Feb.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about Michael.

Blessings!! Gail

It's Gonna Be Me said...

I CANNOT wait to meet you, Kaitlyn! You can talk alllllll you want about Haiti, God and Michael with me!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...


How about some photos of Kait and Michael??

Happy New Year!!

Love you