Friday, December 7, 2007

Update on Yesterday

First, Julia's conference could not have gone better. They are very impressed with her abilities and her reading teacher called a "role model" for the other students in her group. We are very proud of her. Julia went through yet another change in October when her third grade teacher, Mrs. Gerstle (who is the epitome of what you want for your child's teacher) left on maternity leave that will last the rest of the school year. Mrs. McCann is Julia's new teacher. The transition has gone so smoothly for Julia. She is so happy about going to school and just a cheerful little girl. Her reading teacher also called her a "ray of sunshine." I feel the same way. We discussed Julia's anxiety about writing. Like Aunt Linda said, as she continues to read, the writing will naturally come. She has so much to say and writing it down would be a great outlet for her.

Her follow-up appointment went very well, too. Dr. Hirsch feels she is very stable in her Pulmonary Hypertension right now. Clinically, he said she is the same as she was when he did the Heart Cath in September. I asked about the future; will it progressively get worse like I've read online? He said that is the hard part about this condition. One can never predict what will happen as she goes through puberty. He is very optimistic though. She got bumped to a four month check up, which is positive. He also said she has NO restrictions at this time. He wants her to be able to participate in whatever she wants!!! PRAISE GOD! He did say that as long as the coach understands her condition and doesn't push her too hard. She needs to rest and catch her breath. Julia has wanted to play soccer so it seems like it will be in her future.

I'm off to volunteer at church this morning. I've started doing that about once a week and am meeting people over there. I really like that.

Love you all!


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the post. We are happy Julia is flourishing. Your love and everyone in the family's love (all reflections of God's love) provide the foundation of her well-being. It's powerful, isn't it. Bless you and Mike, Karen, for your decision to adopt Julia, for your patience and understanding in raising her, for your consistency with her, for your holding her accountable, for allowing her to be who she is and delighting in that, and for sharing her with us!

How cool that you are involved at church and meeting more people in your new hometown. You sound happy. You deserve an abundance of happiness.

Love to all of you,


msufan56 said...


Thanks for all your educational expertise. (For those of you visiting the blog, my sister is a retired teacher who was recently elected to the Teacher Hall of Fame in her district. She was also a Michigan Teacher of the Year.) It was interesting that they verified exactly what you said about the reading leading into writing down the road.

Thanks for your love for Julia. You two have a special relationship - it's scary the way you two connect.

Also, thanks for giving all our kids the "love of reading". It is a gift you promoted and nutured in each of them. I think it is a big reason why they are doing so well in school.

I love you.


msufan56 said...


Thanks for the great post. I was such a proud father at Julia's parent/teacher conference. The teachers are so impressed with Julia. Her classroom teacher said she would have never known Julia was from Russia. The teacher was amazed Julia has been here only 20 months.

I was so impressed with the teachers and the school. There is a great spirit and committment to education there.

Great news from the doctor also. Julia is so excited to be able to play sports. From our playing in the back yard, I think she could be a star softball player like her sister Kaitlyn (former high school all-league centerfielder).

I love you.


Anonymous said...

AMEN to all 3 posts.

Love you,

Kersten3 said...

I am so glad to hear all of the good news! Julia is such a blessing to so many people. I am so glad she is part of our family! Have a great weekend!

Annie said...

Julia is a blessing to us! We just miss her terribly! She needs a little more time with Anastasia, whose idea of a good time is writing! and whose idea of the perfect gift is a little notebook. I think it is also just individual personality differences. Anastasia loves to write; Julia doesn't. I bet Julia is happy to to a front-of-the-class presentation, though, and that scares Nastya to death.