Sunday, December 2, 2007

Dad's Random Eight Things

Since I was tagged by my lovely wife, I'll post 8 random things about me.

1. I was questioned by the FBI regarding the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa (I didn't do it - I swear.)
2. I organized a slam dunk contest at Northwestern University and Michael Jordan came to judge the finals at halftime of a Northwestern basketball game.
3. I once ate 11 and 1/2 Big MAC's in 90 minutes (but lost out on the $50 I would have won if I ate 12. I could not eat one more bite after 11 and 1/2.)
4. I have spent four nights sleeping in the Grand Canyon (only one was a planned sleep over.)
5. I have met my favorite athlete (Magic Johnson) and my favorite singer (Burton Cummings), but my wife topped me by receiving hugs from both.
6. I have lived at 28 different addresses in my life.
7. One of my goals in my life is to ride my bike across the country.
8. Both Karen and I were engaged to other people prior to us meeting each other (I guess God knew we were meant for each other and didn't let the other engagements work out.)

I know tag Timmy, Julia, Linda and Tom.

Love you all,



It's Gonna Be Me said...

Micahel Jordan...?! That is way too cool, Mike!

I sat behind his wife and family at a Bull's game in 1988. But, working with him at a NU game, is so much better! You are one lucky man in the world of basketball fans!

Very envious!

Karen Combes said...

I enjoyed your random things! I'm so glad that I married you! You make life an adventure and it's so much fun! =-)

Karen Combes said...

I enjoyed your random things! I'm so glad that I married you! You make life an adventure and it's so much fun! =-)

Anonymous said...

We are glad she married YOU too!! You do make life fun and exciting Mike!

But what is the deal with Jimmy Hoffa???

msufan56 said...

Here is the deal on Jimmy Hoffa. During my years at Michigan State, I worked at a pool chemical distribution company in the summers. I drove trucks and delivered chlorine and other pool supplies to K-Marts and other stores that sold chlorine. A couple of days after Jimmy Hoffa was missing, I was making a delivery to a hardware store right behind the restaurant where Hoffa was last seen (the Red Fox). While I was making the delivery a man in a suit came up to me, flipped his badge and said, "FBI, we are investigating the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. Where you in the area on the day he disappeared." I replied, "Yes, I was." Because I was making a delivery at the same store on the day Hoffa disappeared. The agent then asked me if I had seen anything and I told him I did not.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I never knew that in all these years!!

Thanks for sharing the story!!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Okay, the FBI story is pretty cool. However, everyone MUST admit that working with Michael Jordan is way, way cooler!!! I mean, come on, it was MJ!!!


Anonymous said...

Tell us more Mike...what about MJ????

msufan56 said...

OK, here's the deal on MJ. In my first year in the Recreation Department at Northwestern, we had the idea to have a student slam dunk contest. The idea was to hold preliminary rounds and select the final three best dunkers on campus. Then we would have the final three perform at halftime of a Northwestern varsity basketball game and select a winner. The promotions director for the Athletic Department was a guy by the name of Don McCloughlin (who is now VP of the Tennesee Titans pro football team). Don's wife worked for the Chicago Bulls and she said she would try to get a Bulls player to be the celebrity judge for the halftime contest. So she got us Orlando Woolridge which was very cool (Stever Anderson came with me and met Orlando and he was thrilled). Well, the event went very well and we decided to do it the next year. Imagine our surprise when we heard that Michael Jordan agreed to be the celebrity judge. He was only in his second or third year, so he wasn't as big yet, but it was still a huge deal. I got to sit next to him and announce the contest while he scored each of the dunks. He was a lot of fun. The coolest thing was after the slam dunk contest, he was waving goodbye to the fans and everybody started chanting, "Michael, Michael, Michael." All of a sudden, he started taking off his warm-ups and started stretching. He then ran towards the basket and did a thunderous 360 slam dunk and the place went wild. It was very cool.

It's Gonna Be Me said...

You are right, Mike. That IS very cool! I am very envious!


Annie said...

#3 is so nauseating, I hardly know how to wipe the thought from my mind.

Anonymous said...


Re: Jimmy Hoffa story

The public should know how many more stories there are from the Combes family employment at Steelcrete Co.

Okay, we've been tagged and are thinking about ours. I told Tom I should do his and he should do mine, but he opted out of that. I thought it would be interesting. What would you say about Karen, Mike and vice-verse.



P.S. Can't wait to see Tim's and Julia's.

Anonymous said...

My sister was working at the Red Fox restaurant at Maple and 15 Mile the night Jimmy disappeared, after eating there. Were you at the RF that night?

Re. Steelcrete, I worked there one summer in the early 1980s, bottling chlorine as the line supervisor of a bunch of ex-con temps the company brought in each day. Interesting, that - what a crappy job. I still tell the story about how each time a leaky bottle would come around it would shoot out a plume of chlorine - each time we would have to dive for the floor covering our eyes when someone yelled out 'leaker!'. And how all my cotton clothes dissolved in the washing machine after my first day's work, and I had to where 100% polyester for the rest of the summer. And how as the summer drew down, and there was less to do, we built a hidden rest area in the back surrounded by empty bottle cases stacked eight feet high, where we would spend hours reading a mag or just hanging out in the sun.

Steelcrete closed, it seems... I just did a Google (I was listing it in a job history form requiring me to put down everything I have ever done since birth and wanted to see if its address was the same) and found this site. Any idea what happened to the company?