Friday, January 25, 2008

dr. appointment

I had another check up at the doctor today. I will have another MRI on my remaining breast next Wednesday, otherwise no changes. I will see him every 3 months until July, then go to every six months after that. The MRI is because six months ago they saw some "lesions" that were not "defined" and they think it is just because I went to a new place and the technique is different, but they want to compare this MRI to my last one.

Usually, I dread these doctor appointments mainly because it is a reminder of the whole cancer ordeal. Today wasn't so bad. I'm feeling so strong and healthier than I've been in a long time. I'm praising God for my joy and health!

I've also been in contact with the Cleveland Clinic regarding breast reconstruction. This is something I've prayed about and really want to proceed with this procedure. The CC is four hours away from Cincinnati so it will take some "juggling" to accomplish this. The surgery is pretty major, but I feel the outcome is well worth it. The procedure I want to have is called DIEP Flap Reconstruction. No muscle is cut and you basically end up with a tummy tuck when it is complete. Unfortunately, the Cleveland Clinic is the closest facility that does this reconstruction. Tim's observation (that I commented about under Mike's post about Tim) really spurred me on to make the call this week. Every time I look in the mirror it is a reminder.

Tim, Julia and I are having a good weekend, so far. They had the day off from school and wanted to open a savings account. Julia was so excited about this. When we left, she was practically squealing. She had saved up quite a lot of money. They gave her a "Jeannie" card to use and she had a lot of fun using it for the first time.

Mike, I hope you enjoyed The Breakers tonight with your family!



Anonymous said...


I am so happy that you contacted CC about the surgery. I will continue to pray for that whole deal for you.

Let us know what you need and maybe we can help you out with that deal....then you can come help me. ha

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
I am glad you are thinking of going forward with the plan for reconstruction. If you do it this summer, maybe we can come and help you. I'm VERY jealous hearing of Mike at The Breakers! I love that place. :-)
Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...


It's great to hear how healthy you are feeling. Looking at more surgery must be daunting. As always, Tom and I will keep you in our prayers. We will support you in whatever way we can. Do not hesitate to ask for what you need.

Are you eating the famous Chris Johnson oatmeal?

Please give Moneybags (Julia) and Tim hugs from us.

Breakers was pretty tame for the Combes clan. The guys and Mom enjoyed Burgers except for Steve who opted for shrimp. Would you believe I ordered Ahi Tuna at Breakers. It was unbelievable. Classy!

I didn't get much ocean time, but plenty of boat time. Mike and I were able to steal some time away for a good beach walk and talk.

I think Grandma Mary was very happy with the weekend and her 80th celebration. She's talking about moving to a houseboat in the future. Sounds like a plan to me.

Love you, take care,


junglemama said...

I'm gload to hear your feeling good! That is wonderful Karen.

P.S. Did Julia ever watch the video of the orphanage?