Tuesday, January 8, 2008

keeping it real....wellness invitation

I kinda cheated. I started this "wellness invitation" last Wednesday. Today is my day #7.

This is NOT a New Year's Resolution. I really want this to be a life-style resolution. My doctors have talked to me about how being overweight is not good when you are a breast cancer survivor. The studies are out there. There is a lot of information about eating right and exercise, too. Since my diagnosis....well, probably when we began the "crazies" of our adoption of Julia (Sept. 2005), I have not paid much attention to eating right and also exercising. It's a shame. My husband operates fitness clubs, for goodness sakes. What is wrong with me???!! So much of what I face is a "head" game. I want to be thin. I want to be in good shape. I'm just not getting it. Something in me "clicked" over the break. Maybe it was seeing how good my Dad looks. He has lost over 40 lbs and has kept it off. I am built like him and his sisters. Dad told me to "unbuild myself." Good advise and I need to follow it. Like I said, it's in my "head."

It also started when my husband's administrative assistant asked me join her team at the Healthplex. I am part of a team of four women who will exercise and eat right for eight weeks. We are competing against other teams in the club. Kinda like "Big Fat Loser" on TV, but not as rigorous. When I told Kaitlyn about this her response was "Mom, you know what to do. You have all the knowledge. Why are you doing this?" Hmmm...a good question. It made me examine my motives. #1, to get myself working out again. #2, to be accountable to someone for weigh-ins. #3, to be accountable to my teammates - we want to win the competition! #4, to feel good again!

Most important, I have been disobedient to God.

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Diet Coke. I am addicted to Diet Coke. I have heard that still, small voice telling me to give it up and hand the temptation over to God. I am down (and I do say down) to 4 cans a day. Next week I will go to 2. I'm trying to drink more water.

Then came Mike's Wellness Invitation. Hmmm....what he's saying is right on target for where I want to be. I'm glad that my Mom, Kelly, Karla and Rod are participating. My journey will be longer than 12 weeks, but that's okay. I want to be healthy and live to see my grandchildren!



Anonymous said...

You go girl!! I am so proud of you for what you are doing.

I feel like this is NOT a 12 week plan, I am trying to think of it as a lifestyle....which hopefully, will be longer than 12 weeks!!

Love you and keep up the good work!

Karen Combes said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm just looking to please God. And, live a long time. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Karen! Great Post. I can really relate with how you are feeling. I also KNOW what to do, it's just a mindset and I have not had that until now. Last time I went to my oncologist, he pointed out that I had gained some weight and cautioned me on it because of the breast cancer. And, I too am built like Dad and his sisters---you know that!! (Dad does look great!)

We can do this!!! I am so glad that Mike devised this program. I really do feel better already--stangely enough! Maybe it is because I know my mind is set to do this and I know I am headed in the right direction. And I can't wait to fit into pants that I haven't been able to in a long time. Woohoo!!!

Let us know how tomorrow goes--is that weigh in for you? This so much fun all doing it together!!
Love ya,

Karen Combes said...

Thanks for your comment, Kelly. We can do this! We are doing this.

Just weighed in and I lost 3.5 lbs. So, I'm heading in the right direction. Most important, I FEEL better already. yay!

msufan56 said...


Awesome post. Very honest and heartfelt. I am so proud of you.

I want us both to be there to spoil our grandkids, fill em with sugar, riley them up and send them home with their parents.

I LOVE you so much!!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Mike!! Right now, I am hoping the teenagers get kids just like them!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike:

I am drinking much more water than ever and I am wondering why I am craving it.....the more I drink, the more I want!!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.

Anonymous said...

What was that last comment all about??

Karen Hossink said...

Good for you, Karen!
Since Brian opened Fitness Together I have been working out with a personal trainer, and my eating has improved. I haven't lost weight, but my strength has increased and my body is changing. I feel sooooo much better!
You can do it.

Karen Combes said...

Thanks for the comment, Karen. Where is Brian's Fitness Together? I hope business is going well for him!

Karla...that comment above confused me, too??!!

Anonymous said...

Combes family...time for a new post please :-)

Annie said...

I know what you mean, too. Somehow, though I WANT to be thin, WANT to be healthy....it is like there is SO much on my mind that I am not giving full attention to any of that. (I wonder-am I giving full attention to anything???) But, it is like something has to "slip into place" for me to focus on what I eat. Frustrating (well, that is, when I THINK about it.)