Monday, March 31, 2008

Two years ago today...

We all waited in anticipation

I saw my tiny little sister for the first time.

On my knees and crying

The first time Julia met Piggy. I gave Piggy to her and she said quietly, "Spasebo"



Our family became complete.

I love these pictures from March 31, 2006, the day Julia arrived in the United States. Kelly, I think you took them and I saved them to my computer - thank you. That day was one of the most special days of my life and for me, the pictures capture it in a way that I cannot with words. I remember those moments of seeing my sister for the first time. I heard Grandma, Karla, and Kelly saying, "Awww" as we saw Julia walk in the doors with my parents. She was so tiny! I was just overcome with emotion as soon as I saw her and started bawling - I was not expecting that at all. She looked so scared and overwhelmed -- I can't even imagine how scary that day must have been for her -- and I just went down on my knees to her level and stayed there for a long time. We were sisters right away.

I am so amazed at how God brought her into our family. She is a wonderful gift from Him.

Julia, I love you so much!



Anonymous said...

On one hand, that day seems like yesterday but on the other hand, it seems like she has been a part of our family forever.

We love you so much Julia and we are all so blessed to have you in our family.

You are truly a blessing,
Hugs and kisses,
Karla and the Brown bunch

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Okay, now I'm bawling here just reading this.

Great post Kailtyn! You did a wonderful job putting the moment into words, too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kaitlyn!
I wonder how you are doing in MI? I like the post that you did. How are you doing with Michael?

see you later.

Love julia

Karen Combes said...

Love your post, Kaitlyn! That indeed was a special day. The pictures capture so much of the emotion of that day! Dad and I were so tired from our long trip home, and to see all of you was an awesome moment. Aunt Linda made Russian nametags for everyone so Julia could read them. It was just very special. I didn't expect to see the tears in your eyes. The sister you longed for was now a reality. Piggy has been her bedtime compainion since the day you gave him to her. She treasures him.

Thanks for sharing about Julia's Gotcha Day.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that this past week, that she slept with piggie....he doesn't quite look like he did on that day!!

Great post are a great big sister!!

hugs and kisses

Karen Combes said...

You are right about Piggy....he is pretty tattered and loved by that little girl.

Anonymous said...

I was so touched when I was there and saw that she still slept with it. How cool is that?? She loves her big sister, that is for sure!!


msufan56 said...


Thanks so much for this post. It made me realize that I sometimes take this whole adoption thing with Julia for granted. Your post made me see God's hand in all of this and allowed me to remember the original emotions of that special day. The whole process was a miracle and it is truly amazing to think that God knew Julia was made especially for our family from the day she was born. Karla is so right when she says that it seems like Julia has always been in our family. That's the way I feel too.

Kaitlyn, thanks for making me realize how blessed we all are with Julia.


Annie said...

She fits in your family so perfectly. It is just a miracle.

junglemama said...

How special! Thanks for sharing! Indeed that was a special day!

kaitlyn said...

Wow, so many comments! I'm glad I could share the pictures. That day was one of those times in life that I was completely engaged, completely caught up in the beauty and wonder of the moment. The most powerful thing about that first day with Julia was how I experienced God's love and grace through her. We had an instant connection and love for each other that was not at all based on anything we had done for one another. It was this feeling of pure, overwhelming love.
These glimpses seem to happen far too infrequently, living in this world filled with so much hurt and pain. They make me long for more glimpses into life the way God intended it to be. I pray for the grace to live in the moment, with my heart engaged and open to God's presence so I do not miss them.

Julia ~ I am doing well in Michigan. Michael is doing great, too. I miss you! I hope you come to Michigan for my graduation. I'm glad I'll get to see you close to your birthday!
I love you!