Monday, October 8, 2007

An Afternoon at the River

It was a very hot day in Cincinnati yesterday. We drove to the Little Miami River (about 3 miles from our house). Mike and I took our folding chairs and placed them in the river. Tim and Julia had a blast!
Mike "chillin'" in the River. It wasn't very deep where we placed our chairs...literally in the middle of the river. Mike had taken Julia and Tim there once in August and they talked me into joining them. I am sure glad I did. It was a nice way to keep cool.

This is about as deep as it gets. Tim enjoyed floating in the current of the river.

Julia wading in. She also loved it. She didn't put her head in all the way, but still needed a shower afterwards to get off any possible river contaminants. ha!

Tim's swim trunks got "fat" as he played in the river.

And a video of our time at the river. We stayed about two hours.


Anonymous said...

How fun does that look!! Kylee was watching this with me and asked me if there were sharks in the river. I assured her there were not!!

Thanks for sharing a part of your weekend with us.

Do your kids have school today?

Karen Combes said...

Nope, no sharks. Just a few jumping fish! Tim and Julia have school today. They were envious of their Rochelle cousins who do not have school. ha!

kaitlyn said...

Looks fun! I like the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hey Julia,

Watching Timmy come after you in the water reminded my of your Uncle John and me. He used to do the same thing to me. He still bugs me. Sometimes he tackles me when I'm doing yoga. Or he will wrestle me to the ground when I'm beating him at croquet. You know, boys.


Aunt Linda