Friday, October 19, 2007

Hello from Nick

Hello everybody! I thought I would do a quick update on whats happening with me. I decided to go on the Campus Crusade for Christ Fall Retreat this weekend. I leave tomorrow (Friday) and come back Sunday. I think it will be a lot of fun. I almost didn't go but I am glad I chose to go. I will have my phone and I think there's service there so feel free to call.

Tonight there were a BUNCH of tornadoes in the area. Twice everyone from Akers had to go into the basement. People were NOT happy...but what can you do? I heard a rumor that a tornado hit Wilson Hall...but I don't think thats true. I am still up now (1:45am) because supposedly another tornado is coming and I need to be up to evacuate my floor. CRAAAAAAAAAZY!!!

I had a midterm today in my teaching class. It went pretty well. It wasn't excellent but definitely wasn't bad. I got a paper back today for my class called Europe and the World and I got a 4.0! I was really happy. I didn't think it was that good, but I guess it was!


Anonymous said...

Wow Nick....glad that you are safe. I saw that tornados were headed toward Michigan. So happy that you are ok!

Have a great weekend!!

Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,

We had bad storms in the Cincinnati area last night, too. Mike, Julia, Tim, Max, Mouska and I headed to the basement. (Miss independent Maggie stayed upstairs.)

I'll pray for you on retreat. Tom is also away on staff for a retreat, so keep him in your prayers.

I'll call you about getting together soon.

