Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Special Trip for Kait and Mom

I'm not sure where to begin sharing my experience in Haiti. I do know that it has changed me in a powerful way. I feel filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed by my experience. I am thankful to have a husband who supports me and also a sister-in-law and brother-in-law who were willing to come down and help out while I was gone.

I thought I would start by sharing photos of Kait and I at various times throughout the week. (disclaimer: I didn't always wear my fish dress)

Kait and I at South Beach in Miami. We spent a couple hours at the beach.
On the bus from Port Au Prince Airport to the Orphanage.

Kait had to sit on my lap for this TapTap ride. It was very hot.

Kait and I at New Hope Orphanage. Kait's new friend Marie C..... something took this photo. The little girl Kaitlyn is holding is named Gigi. This orphanage was in a beautiful location up in the mountains. You could see the Caribbean Sea and the beach.

We are on the balcony of New Hope Orphanage.
Yes, I'm "glowing" with perspiration. Kaitlyn isn't. Could have been a hot flash!

Leaving Port Au Prince. It was a great trip!


Anonymous said...

Great Pictures!!!!

Thanks Karen,
Love ya,

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Yeah!!! Haiti pictures! It looks wonderful there, and the smiles on your faces are an example of God's love shining within you! I cannot wait to go and share stories!


msufan56 said...

Hi Kait and mom!
I miss you Kait! I have a question. The question is WHEN ARE YOU BE HOME?

Anonymous said...


I admire your committment to kids who need love. I'm glad you and Kaitlyn had time with each other. It was an honor to be with your family while you were away. We treasure the times together.

Love you,


Tom sends his best.

msufan56 said...


Great post and pictures. I'm proud of you for your heart and your care and concern for ALL God's children.



kaitlyn said...

I love the pictures! They really capture our experience there together. It was such a special time with you. I miss you!

Gail said...

Karen and Kaitlyn, it was a great trip wasn't it!! Sharing a room (and stories) with the two of you made my trip that much more special.

I'm heading back next week to try and get Zi's visa, I'll be wishing the 2 of you were with me!