Friday, September 14, 2007

Four weeks from today..

Four weeks from today, mom and I will be on our way to Haiti! I cannot wait to go back. Now that I'm back in school, I'm having a hard time because I feel like what I'm learning is not really important. For instance, I'm taking a developmental psychology class, and we had to read these two 30-page articles on whether half-day or full-day kindergarten is better. Psychologists have done all this extensive research on it, controlling for all these different variables, and then one article says half-day is better and one says that full-day is better. I don't know, it's just hard for me to see that as important when are there are so many children in Haiti who can't even go to school. And when they do, there's hundreds of them in one-room school houses. For developmental psych, I have to conduct an observational study on how preschool children show affection. It seems silly to me to spend my time doing studies on such insignificant things when there's so much else to be done in countries like Haiti.

I know that there are important things that I'm learning about the development of kids that will be useful to me in the future to help children. I'm trying to see it this way! I know that this is where I need to be right now, finishing my degree, and I'm thankful that I will be done in 8 months! Hallelujah. And I'm so, so blessed to be going to Haiti in 4 weeks!


Anonymous said...


I love your post....and how true!!! After going to Haiti, so many things "here" don't make sense. I look at things so differently now.....

I am so proud of are learning so much about life and really getting it and you are so young!!!

You know how I feel about you and Haiti so I won't go into that again, but I am touched!!

Love you so much,

Karen Combes said...

hi kait!

I can't wait to spend a week in Haiti with you! We are so blessed to be going together!

I am nervous about this trip. I'm not scared of Haiti. In some ways I think I'm in shock that I am going to Haiti again. I don't know totally what to expect. I'm anticipating that God will "show" me something about myself, but maybe not. Maybe I'm expecting too much? I'm just thankful that we can go together!

I love you!

Nick said...

I am so excited for you guys! Your trip is so soon! That is really exciting.

msufan56 said...


You have your priorities "right on". Praise God that you care more about the children of Haiti then about some stupid study. As Mark Twain said, "Never let your schooling get in the way of a good education." I'm glad you know what's important.

