Saturday, September 8, 2007

joy knows no bounds

"I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds."
-Paul (2 Corinthians 7:4)

This has been a really awesome week for me. God is so good. I love that in Him, our joy knows no bounds. This encourages me right now because I feel like I am in a time of really experiencing God's blessing and love. Yet I also know that seasons of pain and trouble will come again, and it brings me comfort to know that I will still have joy in God.

I am so excited to hear about the results of Julia's heart cath. I can't believe she's only borderline pulmonary hypertension now. That is great.

Last night, my church had a concert to celebrate the release of a CD they recorded. It's been a dream of the worship team for a long time to record a CD and to write some of their own songs. It was a great concert. They sang a lot of worship songs, and also sang 2 new songs that our worship leader wrote. His songs were amazing. Nick, you would love them!

Today there's another football game, and I'm hoping at the end we have a happy student section instead of the melancholy, depressed group of fans we were at the end of last week's game. I really have faith we'll pull through this week.. Go blue! Aunt Linda is coming with Brad and Liz to tailgate so that will be a good time for sure.

Sunday I'm getting together with a family in Ann Arbor who is looking for an after-school babysitter for their 3 kids. Their mom is a professor at the U of M art school. I would babysit 2-3 times a week from 3:30-6. I think it sounds like a fun job! So hopefully we'll get along well on Sunday and they'll hire me. That would be a big answer to prayer because I am in need of a job and I do not want to work at the Markley Hideaway anymore!

I hope you all have a fun Saturday! What is everyone up to this weekend?



Karen Combes said...

Hi Kaitlyn!

I have been praying specifically that you would experience JOY and then you posted that! God is GREAT! I know you will have fun today with Aunt Linda, Brad and Liz. And, I'm anticipating a Michigan victory! GO BLUE! (sorry Mike ;-) Let's talk later today! I love you!

Nick said...

I am so glad to hear about your awesome week. That is really exciting about your job. I will be praying that you would get it if it's meant to be. I wish I could have gone to that concert...I would have loved it. Have fun with Linda!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kait:

What a great picture of you and your friends!! I am rooting for BLUE today too!!

We have the Hickey reunion in Kirkland tomorrow! It is always fun.

Love you lots,

Anonymous said...


Tom, Brad, Liz, and I all enjoyed our time with you despite the disappointing circumstances. Our team will regroup. I guess this is a character-building year, not only for the team, but for us fans. I still love them and hope that we experience some wonderful moments this year.

Glad you are experiencing joy! (My favorite word, by the way.)


Aunt Linda