Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quick Hello from Dad

Hello Combes family. I'm at my Panera "oasis". It's been a hectic couple of days. I worked Sunday and all day Monday on a big proposal that I just presented at 11am. The proposal went well so I'm glad to be "taking an oasis" for a couple of hours.

I loved reading all the posts. I'm so proud of everybody!! You are all an incredible family and I love you so much.

Mom, if you think you are scared about going to Haiti, how about me. I'll be "left behind" with crazy Tim and nutty Julia. Thank GOD Linda and Tom are coming. I could not handle those two alone. Now that I'm over 50, I'm slowing down and need help. Those little buggers wear me out. I cannot keep up with their energy (why do I try?). Don't worry, I'll try saying no to Julia 5% of the time instead of never.

I'm still loving Cincinnati and Mercy. I sent Mom this week's "Spirit Brief" from Mercy. It's a weekly spiritual writting from one of the leaders in the system. This week it was from Jeff Ashin, the President of Mercy Fairfield Hospital. He wrote his testimonial about how he came to Jesus Christ in 2001. It was very moving and inspirational. He talked about how he loves working for system that has a daily prayer, that starts each meeting with a reflection and isn't afriad to lift up the values of love, kindness and caring. That's the way I feel too.

Take care everybody and have a GREAT day. I LOVE our family.




Karen Combes said...

Hi Mike!

Great post! Glad you could go to your Panera Oasis. You are the "brave one" for putting up with T&J. ha! I would try saying no more like 50% to Miss J. (she's reading this)

I love our family, too! I'm looking forward to our weekend in Rochelle! WooHoo!


kaitlyn said...

Dad- I'm glad you finally got a chance to catch up on the posts and give your own update! I laughed out loud at your line about saying no to Julia 5% of the time - HA.
I hope you get to have fun and relax this weekend!
Love you

PS I'm going to the Tigers game for sure on Friday!

Anonymous said...

We're looking forward to time with Tim, Julia and you. We are missing croquet games, kanasta, trips to Barnes and Noble, Timmyisms, good talks and family get togethers with you all being in Cincinnati. It will be good to be together.


Linda and Tom